Hacks to find out if your store bought honey is pure
By madhudhara

Our local supermarket honey frequently isn't 100 percent authentic and pure. The unpalatable fact is that fraudsters have discovered ways to fool Indian and worldwide testing procedures (such as Agmark, NMR, and Fiehe's test, to name a couple). Typically pasteurised, store-bought honey may also contain chemicals and preservatives that alter the product's quality. This frequently raises several issues, including health issues, allergies, and more. Therefore, it is always preferable to inspect the honey's purity to make sure you're ingesting a trustworthy and secure product.
social media during the last few months. In actuality, a number of publications have reported that the nation's top brands had failed the purity test. It is crucial to verify the purity of honey before ingesting it, even if we are still dubious of whether they are what they purport to be.
Don’t you worry. We have listed down below 3 ways you can find out if your honey is pure or not. Scroll down and soak in all the information!
1. Runny or is the consistency thick?
Dropping a tiny bit of honey on your thumb is one of the finest ways to determine its purity. Pay close attention to the honey's motion. It could be impure if it falls or spreads like liquid.
Because pure honey is viscous, thick, and syrupy rather than runny, this reasoning makes sense. This is among the simplest methods for determining the purity of honey. However, if you're still unsure, don't worry—we have a few additional simple suggestions for you to employ!
2. Flammable or inflammable?
Given that honey is so thick and wet, you probably never considered it to be combustible. All you have to do is dip a wick or cotton pad in honey and attempt to ignite it on fire to determine the purity of the honey.
If the wick or cotton starts to burn, the honey is pure and hasn't had any water added. However, if it doesn't burn, it has probably been mixed with water and isn't entirely pure or unique.
Read: be very careful. Make sure you are steered away from all the possible hazards.
3. Vinegar to rescue
Vinegar is the best option as always when it comes to testing the purity of honey. Simply combine some water, honey, and a few drops of vinegar essence in a basin to test the purity of the honey. If nothing happens, your honey is unadulterated. On the other hand, if your honey begins to bubble up, it has likely been tampered with. In most cases, the foaming results from an interaction between the vinegar and the honey's ingredients, resulting in you realizing that your store bought honey isn’t so pure after all
Even though these are simple, everyday checks, having it checked in a lab is a more reliable technique to determine the honey's purity. There are sophisticated tests, however, they might not always be able to identify adulterants. The most cutting-edge and trustworthy tests available now are Agmark and NMR. It is usually recommended to use pure organic brands of honey, such as Madhudhara. Grab your bottle of authentic honey now!