Raw Wild Flowers Honey-Sundarban Forest
"This Honey Collected From Wild-Forest Flowers Nectars"
This rare, exotic and forest honey of Madhudhara Farm is widely demanded across India. Sundarban forest is a cluster of islands situated in the Bay of Bengal of India. This forest is among the largest forests in the world measuring 40,000 sq km.
We collect this honey in the months of October, November and December. This honey is of black colour and the aroma of this honey is that of mixed flowers. This thick honey is wonderful in its taste.
The trees and plants in Sundarbans are very rare and useful for the medicinal purposes. The forest has some characteristically wonderful flora like sundari (Heritiera fomes), goran (Ceriops decandra), gewa (Excoecaria agallocha) and keora (Sonneratia apetala). The hard wood tree of the Sundarban forest is Sundari from which the name of the forest is derived.
Raw Wild Flowers Honey of Madhudhara is highly beneficial in so many perspectives.
Health Benefits:
. Useful for the treatment of rheumatism
· Relieves painful arthritis and asthma
· Reduces blood glucose
· Recommended for skin diseases
· Benefits central nervous system
· Blood Purifier
· Good to remove urinary tract stone
![Raw Jamun Flowers Honey](/storage/li-media/0ad23785645441ffaa9ca5538c9b855a79b40a9d.jpg)
Raw Jamun Flowers Honey
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